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- Moolah and Moonshine
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- One Less Stiff at the Funeral
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- Immortal Coil
- Omnibus Collection
- 1 Among the Living
- 1.1 Thaw
- 2 Criss Cross
- 2.1 Striking Sparks
- 2.2 Many Happy Returns
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- 0.1 Inside Out
- 6.1 In the Dark
- 7 Spook Squad
- PsyCop Briefs Vol. 1
- London Eye
- Media Naranja
London, Clare
Price, Jordan Castillo
- Among the Living
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PsyCop #2: Criss Cross
Criss Cross by Jordan Castillo Price
Series: PsyCop #2
Length: Novella - 41,000 words - 118 page PDF
Cover artist: Jordan Castillo Price - see larger cover
Edition 2.2 published 2013; 1st edition published 2006
ISBN: 978-0-9818752-4-8
Find Criss Cross at the following places:
Amazon - Smashwords (many file types) - iTunes
Croix de Chair (Criss Cross) French
Criss Cross finds
the ghosts surrounding Victor getting awfully pushy. The medications that
Victor usually takes to control his abilities are threatening to destroy
his liver, and his new meds aren't any more effective than sugar pills.
Vic is also adjusting to a new PsyCop partner, a mild-mannered guy named Roger with all the personality of white bread. At least he's willing to spring for the Starbucks.
Jacob’s ex-boyfriend, Crash, is an empathic healer who might be able to help Victor pull his powers
into balance, but he seems more interested in getting into Victor’s
pants than in providing any actual assistance.
Criss Cross now available in audio, narrated by Gomez Pugh.
What PsyCop listeners are saying: "Add me to the list of people who are loving the Psycop books in Audible versions. Although I've read the whole series, listening to the book, I pick up on little details and things I missed the first time through. The narration is great. I have also gotten my husband hooked!"
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Purchase Criss Cross in audio at Audible, Amazon or iTunes
It was a pretty good day, for October in Chicago. The weather was warm enough that I could get away with wearing just jeans, a T-shirt, a flannel shirt, and my threadbare jean jacket. I could see my breath as we set the rowboat in the water, Maurice in his knee-high rubber boots, steadying the small aluminum boat so I could climb in. Water squished through my black Converse high-tops. Not the best shoes to wear fishing, I gathered.
But I’d never been fishing before, so how the hell would I know?
Maurice heaved himself over the side, thrust an oar into the slimy green water on the bank of the Calumet, and shoved off. And he did it with an ease that reminded me that even though he was graying, he was still in reasonably good shape.
Maurice Taylor had been my partner in the PsyCop Unit for a dozen years, and now he was retired. We’d been quintessential opposites when the force had matched us up: him, a mature black man without a lick of psychic ability, who’d inched his way up to detective with years of hard, honest police work. And me, an impulsive white kid with no friends, whose sixth sense was always tuned to eleven unless I was on an anti-psyactive drug cocktail.
Maurice was still old. And he still had his common sense, far as I could tell. Me? I wasn’t a kid anymore, but at least I’d managed to make a few friends. Other than that, I couldn’t really vouch for myself.
“Give that oar over here,” Maurice said, stretching his hand out to me. “We be goin’ in circles all day, if I let you just splash it all over the place like that.”
I didn’t argue. Maurice is more stubborn than I am. I know this.
Maurice took several deep breaths as he rowed us farther from shore. The Calumet’s current wasn’t particularly fast in the fall. It had pockets of reedy marsh along the banks that seemed like ideal places to just sit in your boat and while away the day. A train clanged by to the north of us and the scream of a siren drifted by from a stretch of elevated highway. Nature.
“Smell that fine air,” Maurice said.
I grunted. It smelled like algae and exhaust fumes to me.
Maurice pulled a few more strokes with the oars and then eased our anchor—a hunk of metal that’d been part of a barbell in another existence—over the side.
“Shouldn’t I have, uh...a lifejacket on?”
Maurice smiled and started fiddling with his rod. Or reel. Or whatever the fishing pole thing is called. “S’okay, Victor. Water ain’t but waist high.”
I glanced over the side of the boat. The water was opaque green. Hard to tell if Maurice was exaggerating.
He put the fishing pole in my hand and pulled out another. “Just set there and wait until I show you how to cast. Else you’ll tear your eye out with the hook.”
I looked down at the hook. Maurice had squished a worm onto it. A worm spirit didn’t appear and immediately start telling me about the moment of its death, so I presumed I was safe from the spirits of bugs. But then it moved and I realized it was still alive. Gross.
Maurice cast his own line with a fairly straightforward explanation of what he was doing, then exchanged it with me for the first fishing pole, which he also cast.
I stared out at the little red floaty things that marked where our hooks had sunk and waited for more instructions.
Maurice wedged his fishing pole into a groove on the floor of the boat and unzipped his duffel bag. He pulled out a thermos and a battered plastic travel mug.
“What next?” I asked him.
Maurice poured some coffee into the mug and handed it to me. The early morning sunlight filtered through the steam that curled up from the surface of the coffee, and I felt like the two of us were in a Folgers commercial. Maurice poured another cup for himself, screwed the stopper back onto the thermos, and sighed. “We wait,” he said.
I noticed he was smiling, a soft, kind of distant smile as he gazed out over the water, conveniently ignoring the beer cans and plastic shopping bags that floated around us. Retirement suited him.
We drank our coffees together in silence, and we stared at the water while I tried to control the shivering, me sitting there in wet canvas sneakers in October. It was warm for October, but not that warm. I wedged my fishing pole into the groove in the floor as I’d seen Maurice do and poured myself another coffee. I contemplated pouring out the rest of the contents of the thermos onto my freezing cold feet, but I figured it would only feel good for about a minute, and then the coffee would cool and pretty soon my feet would just be wet again. I saved the coffee for drinking, instead.
“So,” Maurice said, after he finished his coffee. “Warwick find you a new partner yet?
“Yeah, a couple days ago. Some guy. His name’s Roger Burke.”
I really couldn’t think of much to say about Detective “please, call me Roger,” Burke. He was kinda like white bread. When I was a teenager, I would have been pretty eager to get him down my throat. But now that I was looking at forty, I found him a little bland.
Don’t get me wrong, Roger was cute. He had a ready smile that he lavished on me at the drop of a hat. His thick hair was naturally blond, cut short and smart. His eyebrows and eyelashes were a darker blond, framing greenish hazel eyes.
I’d never seen him in anything less than a sport coat, but judging by the way it sat on his shoulders and buttoned smoothly over his nipped waist, I was guessing he probably exercised regularly, and was hiding a set of washboard abs under his perfectly pressed dress shirt.
It was difficult to say if he’d pitch for my team or not. Once upon a time I assumed that all the other cops except for me were straight. That was before Detective Jacob Marks cornered me in the bathroom at Maurice’s retirement party.
I was still too fixated on Jacob to really give a damn if Roger Burke slept with men, women, or inflatable farm animals, for that matter.
PsyCop Ebooks
#1: Among the Living
What good is being a psychic detective if your murder victims aren't talking?
#1.1: Thaw
A heartwarming glimpse at a cold winter's day
#2: Criss Cross
Mysterious messages from Lisa lead Vic on a wild ride.
#2.1 Striking Sparks
Andrew's got cold feet about his upcoming wedding. He figures a palm reading is just the ticket.
#2.2 Many Happy Returns
It's the holiday season at SaverPlus, and customers have become incredibly demanding.
#3: Body & Soul
Three missing people. No bodies. No ghosts. At least the case gets Vic out of an awkward family dinner.
#3.1: Stroke of Midnight
For a PsyCop, missing out on festivities to process a crime scene is all in a day's (or night's) work.
#4: Secrets
Is someone watching Vic's every move, or is he imagining things? Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you.
#5: Camp Hell
Vic delves into his repressed memories of Camp Hell and dredges up more than he bargained for.
#6: GhosTV
Lisa's gone missing, and Vic and Jacob head to PsyTrain for some answers.
#7: Spook Squad
Victor has been avoiding the exorcism he owes the FPMP. Now it's time to pay up.
#8: Skin After Skin
A sweeping look at the PsyCop series from Crash's empathic point of view
#9: Agent Bayne
Victor might be through with the Chicago PD, but is he ready for the FPMP?
PsyCop Briefs: Volume 1
Join Vic and Jacob off the clock in 20 PsyCop shorts