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- Forget Me Not
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- Sympathy
- Tainted
- Tauwetter
- Thaw
- Unter den Lebenden
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- The Voice
- Wishink Well
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Channeling Morpheus
- 1 Payback
- 2 Vertigo
- 3 Manikin
- 3.1 Heaven Sent
- 4 Tainted
- 5 Rebirth
- 6 Brazen
- 7 Snare
- 8 Fluid
- 9 Swarm
- 10 Elixir
- 10.1 Jackpot
- 10.2 Canine
Erotica for Women (M/F)
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Mnevermind Trilogy
- 1 Persistence of Memory
- 2 Forget Me Not
- 3 Life is Awesome
- JCP Books Cover Art Gallery
Bittersweet Candy Kisses
- (previously released as Petit Morts)
- Hue, Tint and Shade
- Moolah and Moonshine
- Spanish Fly Guy
- Pretty Ugly
- One Less Stiff at the Funeral
- Wishink Well
- Happily Neverafter
- London Eye
- Spirits and Second Chances
- Loose Change
- Media Naranja
- Immortal Coil
- Omnibus Collection
- 1 Among the Living
- 1.1 Thaw
- 2 Criss Cross
- 2.1 Striking Sparks
- 2.2 Many Happy Returns
- 2.3 Mind Reader
- 3 Body and Soul
- 3.1 Stroke of Midnight
- 4 Secrets
- 5 Camp Hell
- 6 GhosTV
- 0.1 Inside Out
- 6.1 In the Dark
- 7 Spook Squad
- PsyCop Briefs Vol. 1
- London Eye
- Media Naranja
London, Clare
Price, Jordan Castillo
- Among the Living
- Autopilot Engaged
- Black Box
- Brazen
- Betweentimes
- Body and Soul
- Body Art
- Canine
- Camp Hell
- Connecting Flight
- Criss Cross
- Croix de chair
- Elixir
- Fire Thief
- Fluid
- Flying Blind
- Forget Me Not
- GhosTV
- Happily Neverafter
- Heaven Sent
- Hue, Tint and Shade
- Immortal Coil
- In the Dark
- Inside Out
- Into the Bermuda Triangle
- JCP Books Cover Art Gallery
- Jackpot
- Life is Awesome
- Locks of Love
- Magic Mansion
- Manikin
- Many Happy Returns
- Meatworks
- Mind Reader
- Moolah and Moonshine
- Payback
- The Persistence of Memory
- Post Mortem
- Pretty Ugly
- Radio Silence
- Rebirth
- Red-Eye Dawn
- Secrets
- Sleepwalker
- Snare
- Spook Squad
- The Starving Years
- Striking Sparks
- Stroke of Midnight
- Swarm
- Sympathy
- Tainted
- Tauwetter
- Thaw
- Unter den Lebenden
- Verdant
- Vertigo
- The Voice
- Wishink Well
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PsyCop #1.1: Tauwetter (Thaw) German
Tauwetter by Jordan Castillo Price
Translated by: Feliz Faber
Series: PsyCop #1.1
Length: Short Story - 1200 words - 4 page PDF
Cover artist: Jordan Castillo Price - see larger cover
1st electronic German edition
die Zusammenfassung
Als übersinnlich begabter Mordermittler hat Victor Bayne nicht oft Zeit zum Ausspannen, doch in „Tauwetter“ ist er ausnahmsweise einmal nicht im Dienst. Diese Kurzgeschichte aus der PsyCop-Reihe zeigt Victor und Jacob in einem ihrer seltenen privaten Momente. Beim Schlittschuhlaufen mit seinem sexy Boyfriend wird Vic ganz warm ums Herz…
PsyCop Serie
Thaw Audiobook
Now in audio, narrated by Gomez Pugh.
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Find the entire PsyCop series in audio too!
PsyCop English Ebooks
#1: Among the Living
What good is being a psychic detective if your murder victims aren't talking?
#1.1: Thaw
Cold hands, warm heart.
#2: Criss Cross
Mysterious messages from Lisa lead Vic on a wild ride.
#2.1 Striking Sparks
Andrew's got cold feet about his upcoming wedding. He figures a palm reading is just the ticket.
#2.2 Many Happy Returns
It's the holiday season at SaverPlus, and customers have become incredibly demanding.
#3: Body & Soul
Three missing people. No bodies. No ghosts. At least the case gets Vic out of an awkward family dinner.
#3.1: Stroke of Midnight
For a PsyCop, missing out on festivities to process a crime scene is all in a day's (or night's) work.
#4: Secrets
Is someone watching Vic's every move, or is he imagining things? Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you.
#5: Camp Hell
Vic delves into his repressed memories of Camp Hell and dredges up more than he bargained for.
#6: GhosTV
Lisa's gone missing, and Vic and Jacob head to PsyTrain for some answers.
#7: Spook Squad
Victor has been avoiding the exorcism he owes the FPMP. Now it's time to pay up.
#0.1: Inside Out
(Takes place before Among the Living, but best to read it later) The first time Jacob saw Vic, he was covered in red.
#6.1: In the Dark
Halloween is supposed to be fun.