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JCP Books Revised Editions Policy

Among the LivingA new ebook edition or a revision...there are pros and cons to each way of handling the update of an ebook. When an ebook is re-released by a different publisher, that's a different edition with a new ISBN. But what about some tweaks to the text or a change in the cover? It's up to the publisher to determine if the changes are substantial enough to warrant a new edition, or if it's best to just upload the revisions to the current edition.

Unless a change is huge (such as adding chapters, or releasing work previously at another publisher through JCP Books) I'm opting to consider the work a "revision" rather than a "new edition." Why? Because current owners of the work will not need to re-purchase the ebook to own the updated file. JCP Books offerings are meant to be read again and again. I want you to enjoy the most recent version of the book you've purchased without needing to re-buy it.

I'm in the process of updating the PsyCop covers to give the series a more cohesive look. Text revisions will be minor.

Obtaining An Updated Eook Purchased at JCP Books

Since the JCP Books shopping cart does not store your information for security reasons, I will need to manually reactivate your purchase link. If you can locate your email receipt for either the ebook or the bundle, reply to the email and request a download link reactivation.

If you don't keep your old emails, I can look up that info. Contact me at jcp.heat (at) with the first and last name on the order, and any other likely names or emails the order might have been placed with. (You'd be surprised how many people use a spouse's account to order, or a nickname, plus a different email address, and I have a heck of a time figuring it out. If that might be your situation, do mention all possibilities!)

I'll see to these in batches, so it may take a few days to process.

Note: free promotional copies of paid ebooks are not eligible to be updated

Among the Living purchased as part of the PsyCop Bundle IS eligible for an update.

Obtaining An Updated Ebook Purchased at Amazon

Amazon has recently changed its policy on updating Kindle books to allow you to accept updates without contacting customer service. From your Manage My Kindle page, opt in for automatic book updates to receive new versions of your books when Amazon has confirmed that improvements were made. In order to retain your notes, highlights, bookmarks and furthest reading locations, ensure that all your Kindle devices and reading apps have the "Annotation Back Up" setting turned on.

Obtaining An Updated Ebook Purchased elsewhere

If the revised edition's cover is showing at the website where you originally bought the book, it means they now have a revised edition in their database. Follow that seller's instructions for re-downloading the file.

Certain sites such as iTunes, Kobo and Sony may experience a lag. JCP Books doesn't distrubte to them directly, but rather through a third party, so I don't update those files personally. Check back for those updates in a few weeks if you don't see them right away.


Send your questions to jcp.heat (at) I'll create an FAQ section if there seems to be a need!






starving years
Imagine a world without hunger

Fasten your seatbelts

Mnevermind 1: The Persistence of Memory
Making memories, one client at a time
A PsyCop Novelette starring Crash
Body Art
Trapped on an icy island